WebStamp September 20, 2017
Make A Difference – Be Sure to Vote
With this being Canada’s Sesquicentennial Year, we as Canadians have all been encouraged to do something that makes a difference and show who we are as a nation. We Calgarians have done much so far this year with special events and fundraisers for non-profit and charity organizations, did 3 Things for Calgary, Engage meaningful dialogue on developing informed decisions on city infrastructure, and enjoyed many Sesquicentennial celebrations connecting with our countrymen (or should that be countrypeople?), etc. The biggest difference we can do this year is to vote in the upcoming October civic election.
Voting in Canada evolved from the privilege of a few influential individuals to a universal right for every Canadian citizen over 18. It is shame that so few actually practice that privilege of voicing their opinion, and influencing, on how our country develops. At first when we got the right the vote a very high percentage of the population voted. Over the years this number has dropped dramatically, where most are thinking their one opinion in the millions doesn’t mean much. One is an opinion; many makes a movement. The higher the percentage of voters results in a better representation of what the majority are interested in.
Our last Calgary election in 2013 where less than 40% of Calgarians voted has started a movement to encourage more people to vote. The City of Calgary gathered some interesting ideas from Calgarians on how to encourage us to vote. One idea, found on Forbes is move the election to a Monday and make it a civic holiday so people have time to vote. One of the highest recent civic election turnouts was in 2010 where 53.24% of Calgary voted, yet in 2004 the lowest turnout ever at just 19%.
In Calgary the vote bus returns for this election, with additional stops for additional voting access. Free transit tickets for election day in the brochure and election guide to be mailed out and drive-up voting at McMahon Stadium are other ways to make it easier and to encourage voting. Your vote matters and can have quite the impact in shaping our future. Be a proud participant and get your “I have Voted” sticker or your photo on the selfie wall and share with friends on social media reminding and encouraging others to also vote.
On October 16, 2017 be sure to have your voice heard and vote. Your Vote Counts is not a cliché, but actually can Make A Difference. Seize the opportunity to exercise your right to vote. You can find
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