WebStamp October 03, 2017

Your Vote Can Make A Difference

So, you believe your one vote out of thousands of Calgarians is not going to make a difference. Since your participation in voicing your opinion isn’t worth your time you have decided not to vote. There actually have been many instances where one vote did make a difference. Even in Canada there have been several elections (Wikipedia close election results) that were tied, or won by at least one vote, where one or two votes might have made a difference. In the 1900 Federal Election in Selkirk, Manitoba William Forsythe McCreary defeated John Herber Haslam for a second time in a row where a Liberal won over a Conservative in this riding by a single vote.

So, you believe your one vote out of thousands of Calgarians is not going to make a difference. Since your participation in voicing your opinion isn’t worth your time you have decided not to vote. There actually have been many instances where one vote did make a difference. Even in Canada there have been several elections (Wikipedia close election results) that were tied, or won by at least one vote, where one or two votes might have made a difference. In the 1900 Federal Election in Selkirk, Manitoba William Forsythe McCreary defeated John Herber Haslam for a second time in a row where a Liberal won over a Conservative in this riding by a single vote. Recently Alberta’s 40-year Conservative domination was eliminated by the NDP. This province had the highest voter turnout in 22 years, almost 60%. A higher percentage of the population voicing their opinion reflects a more accurate image of what the citizens want. Voter turnout for civic elections in Calgary have been mostly low, especially in 2004 with only 18% of the population voting. The forerunners for Mayor in 2010 where defeated by the underdog Nenshi with 53% of the eligible Calgarians voting. The more voters who vote reflects a more accurate view on opinion and can make the greatest change.

Recently Alberta’s 40-year Conservative domination was eliminated by the NDP. This province had the highest voter turnout in 22 years in this election, almost 60%. A higher percentage of the population voicing their opinion reflects a more accurate image of what the citizens want. Voter turnout for civic elections in Calgary have been mostly low, especially in 2004 with only 18% of the population voting. The forerunners for Mayor in 2010 where defeated by the underdog Nenshi with 53% of the eligible Calgarians voting. The more voters who vote reflects a more accurate view on opinion and can make the greatest change.

We have seen many times where people have not voted because they thought the outcome was a given, only to see those that wanted change voted and made a change. Federally the Liberals ousted the PCs, and the NDP overthrew the PCs in Alberta are latest examples. The right to vote has advanced from only an elite few of power to the common people. Your opinion, with many others whom have same, speaks boldly, be sure your privilege is heard and vote.

To make it easy the City of Calgary has provided several ways to encourage citizens to vote. You can find all the information you will need on the Vote Elections Calgary on when and where you can vote. For those citizens not being able to vote at a polling station you can request a mail-in ballot. Also, one can vote at an advanced polling station at locations throughout the city and an Advanced Polling Bus throughout the first half of October. The city is also providing free transit tickets for October 16 in your election brochure received in the mail. On for those on the go there will be a Drive-Through Polling Station at McMahon Stadium.

Do something great this Sesquicentennial and voice your view on how you would like to have this city run -VOTE! Let us begin a movement and create a record for the highest turnout of voters ever in a municipal election. Remember, your vote does count and can make a difference to how our city is run. The mayor is the Commander and Chief, but remember council members and board trustees are the components that work with the mayor in unison to accomplish running a city smoothly and effectively. Be sure to compare all viable candidates and chose the ones that share similar views on the way things should be done. Make A Difference and Vote!

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Marinus (René) Verschuren
Marinus (René) Verschuren
Founder of WebStamp
René has been involved in the publishing and printing industry since the 1970s. He has published and distributed a successful 24-page weekly news advertiser with a circulation of 4400 copies. Also for the last 20 years, he has been a printer, plotter, scanner and 3D printer technician and installer. Since High School, he also has worked as a janitor, cabinet maker, building construction, landscaper/designer, computer operator producing microfiche, graphic artist, and webmaster, among many other professions, qualifying him as a Jack-of-All-Trades.
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