WebStamp July 17, 2019
Downsizing To Sustainable Eco-Living
The way we live today is inherited from our forefather’s lifestyles. We live in large houses with large rooms that are built using antiquated construction techniques modified for improved living comfort. Granted, newer homes do provide a more comfortable and efficient living, however, this has also created other problems. Larger homes require more energy to operate and additional time for maintenance and cleaning. Current houses are also built with more toxic and less sustainable eco-friendly materials and manufacturing techniques polluting our environment.
Commerce, convincing people to buy bigger and more, has led to wanting and needing oversized dwellings to hide in and store our overindulgence of material belongings, many of which we may only have used once or twice. It would be much more economical purchasing and maintaining a small house and rent or become part of an Ownership Co-op for those items used infrequently. With small and tiny houses, we can have much smaller lots which are cheaper and easier to maintain. We can use mobile home parks as successful examples of small lot living.
Building construction is becoming more efficient and eco-friendlier. Some construction waste is now being recycled, but more needs to be done preventing much of it that still ends up in the landfill. There are many new products and pre-fabricated items being used that simplify assembly. These new and improved products may be eco-friendly to the construction site, however, the methods used to manufacture these products in many cases are far from being safe for the environment.
Global warming is affecting us all and by using green construction for our buildings is one way we can help reduce it. Using locally sourced and sustainably produced building materials benefits the environment also by reducing greenhouse gases produced in transportation and manufacturing. Smaller yards and less lawn and the use of natural vegetation make for a more eco-sustainable environment. As cities grow, we need to design and build more eco-sustainable higher density communities to preserve our environment and lifestyle.
Society needs to change their attitude towards housing and develop more eco-friendly sustainable communities that provide an enjoyable sustainable lifestyle for all. There are those who are developing successful models for Sustainable Urban living. Eco-friendly communities are being developed around the world that we can learn from and build better communities.
Join the many that are Making A Difference in the way we live. Become part of the M.A.D. Movement that is downsizing not only for the benefit of affordable living but also being part of a sustainable stable lifestyle. Let’s live with Planet Earth instead of being a parasite.
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WebStamp July 17, 2019