Advertising in WebStamp
There are several ways to get your word out to Calgarians
Local Business Directory Listing
Be sure to take advantage of our Free Business Directory listing in our Marketplace for you to list your business at absolutely no cost to you. Just send us your business info with the name of the business, contact info, web-link, and 8 words or less describing your business. Fill out the form on this page to get your Free Directory Listing.
Advertising on the Web
Our web advertising is very similar to our print advertising. Ads can be 1 or 2 columns wide and up to 5 ad space high on the web. We provide Web Ad Spaces that can be combined to create an effective web advertising campaign. Your ad can also be included in our social media pages for a small additional fee.
Affiliate Program
Become an Affiliate Member and you will receive automatically a Free Web Ad Space and a Premium Business Directory Listing where you can add your logo and additional information about the goods or services you provide, with your web ad.
You will also be able to sell your products in our Marketplace and if you distribute coupons, you can do that also in our Marketplace as a WebStamp Affiliate Member.