Making The Carbon Tax Work

The Supreme Court of Canada ruling on Thursday that the federal carbon tax is constitutional has Premier Jason Kenney up in arms over having to reinstate the Carbon Tax. Not wanting to relinquish control to the federal government Kenny is going to consider a multitude of options beginning with listening to Albertans on the subject. This will probably lead to a referendum in the next election for a provincial carbon tax.

A referendum would cost taxpayers and only give eligible voters a voice. It would only reflect on specific issues that the UPC regulates towards a positive outcome in regards to the provincial carbon tax on whether we opt-out on the imposed federal carbon tax plan or create an Alberta Carbon Tax. With the internet, there are many other more cost-effective ways of acquiring the information to develop an eco-friendly solution to reducing the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere while stimulating the economy.

Better use of the Alberta Government’s Public website Engagement section should be the UPC’s first choice as a cost-effective way to engage Albertans in giving their opinion and presenting their ideas on developing a provincial carbon tax. Albertans should be more informed of current surveys so they can participate. Today social media, or a working app, would be a great way to inform and get people involved in developing a productive eco-friendly society.  

The revenue collected from the Carbon Tax implemented by the NDP went to various greenhouse gas emission reduction programs. There were rebates on energy-efficient lighting, and many programs people could get refunds on improving the energy efficiency of their homes. This gave back some of the revenue collected from the carbon tax back to the people while they were encouraged to curb their fossil fuel consumption.

The carbon tax should be used not only to reduce greenhouse gas consumption but also to help develop CO2 capture technology for all polluting industries. The captured carbon can be sold for use in manufacturing many products from Vodka to carbon fibre products. Part of the funding should also be used for removing carbon from our atmosphere. The planting of industrial hemp will help extract carbon from the atmosphere. Instead of raising the carbon tax continuously to meet a net-zero CO2 society these new industries created could actually help stabilize the economy and create local jobs.

Premier Jason Kenney wants to know how we should handle the carbon tax to help protect the environment and not have an impact on the economy. While mankind creates a problem, like Global Warming, we should be developing solutions that not only correct the situation but also use these solutions to help the economy instead of being a burden. Make your M.A.D. Move and inform the government that they need to develop a new sustainable eco-friendly economic infrastructure. Make A Difference by voicing your opinion to your local politicians that we want a greenhouse gas reduction system that works.


Economy Blogs
The carbon tax should be used not only to reduce greenhouse gas consumption but also be used to help develop CO2 capture technology for all polluting industries which can help create jobs and boost the economy..
Vote to voice your opinion because it does count. Democracy doesn’t work if people don’t participate.
There must be a better economic system than one that produces so much conflict, pollution, and alienation.
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