WebStamp February 15, 2023
Revitalizing WebStamp’s M.A.D. Moves
WebStamp is going to be undergoing a change towards improving in Making A Difference and this will be our last issue for the year. We will return in May 2023 after updating the website and the way we do things. In the meantime, since our current website isn’t going anywhere, you can read all the great articles WebStamp has published over the last 6+ years. Be sure to make the M.A.D. MOVE by commenting on and sharing the articles to encourage others towards Making A Difference in their communities. Help WebStamp promote local commerce, stimulate the local economy and improve the way we live.
WebStamp has been operating as a 1-person publication encouraging Calgarians to make M.A.D. Moves in creating a great lifestyle not only for oneself but Making A Difference for a better existence for everyone. It has been a lot of fun, however, WebStamp has grown too large for only one person to handle. WebStamp is now looking for volunteers to help continue advising and encouraging Calgarians on how they can Make A Difference, even with just a small jester.
For those who are interested in volunteering for WebStamp there are many areas the publication could use help in. The website needs people to lead, help gather information, and write articles to continue publishing articles about the many M.A.D. Moves WebStamp has written about in the last 6 years. Some of these M.A.D. Moves are Save The Iconic Saddledome, Improving Traffic, Refining the Local Economy, the Creation of Affordable and Sustainable compact Housing in Sustainable Cooperative Communities, and Saving the Environment. A volunteer to help keep this all organized would definitely be a great asset.
WebStamp is also looking for people to help maintain and run the website. A Social Media Liaison is someone desperately needed to help spread the word. Reading and responding to emails is another valuable necessity in today’s society to make an impact, so volunteers are needed for correspondence. WebStamp would also like to add more videos and a creative volunteer with moving pictures would be nice to have. Even though I enjoy doing the graphics, I could use help with producing images for articles and the website.
It's time for people to stand up and promote to make a positive change toward providing a comfortable and sustainable society for all to enjoy and grow in. Obviously, this current economic-based society is not working and is not only suppressing humanity but also destroying and poisoning the place we live in. Stand Up for your rights and Make the M.A.D. Move and volunteer your wasted time playing games behind your electronic devices and manipulating your money to make ends meet towards more productive endeavours. Volunteer your wasted time with WebStamp promoting a better way.